Step 7

Select again Custom Shape Tool and draw a Circle Shape with white color #ffffff as like in picture below.

Create a Circle Shape

Step 8

Now select Custom Shape Tool ones more time and draw a Triangle Shape with white color #ffffff as like in preview.

Create a Triangle Shape

Now duplicate this triangle shape and go to Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical and set it down side as like in preview.

Duplicate it and Set Downside

Here again duplicate this triangle shape two time and set these duplicate shapes both left and right side of circle as you see in picture.

Duplicate Triangle and Place it

Step 9

Select Custom Shape Tool again and draw a small Triangle Shape with white color #ffffff.

Create a Triangle Shape

Duplicate this shape three time and place these pointed areas.

Duplicate Shapes Three Time

After place these duplicate shapes layer we get this result.

Get This Result

Step 10

Now we are going to make Needle of this safari icon, select Rectangle Tool and create a small rectangle with white color #ffffff.

Create a Rectangle

After create rectangle go to Edit > Transform > Perspective, pic corner area of this rectangle and take it little bit right side as like in preview.

Transform it and Set

After transform it we get this result.

Get Transform Result

Now duplicate this layer go to Edit > Transform > Flip Vertical and set it down side as like in preview.

Duplicate Layer and Transform

Select both layer and merge them (Ctrl+E) name it layer Needle then go to Edit > Transform or press (Ctrl+T) and rotate it little bit Horizontal as like in preview.

Transform It and Rotate it

After transform this needle layer applying Drop Shadow on this layer.

Drop Shadow

After applying drop shadow we get a new effect on needle layer.

Get Nice Result

Now duplicate needle layer and applying this color #f8001c on duplicate needle layer.

Duplicate Needle Layer

Select Polygonal Lasso Tool and make a selection on this duplicate needle layer as like in preview.

Make a Selection

Hit delete button to delete the selected area and press (Ctrl+D) to deselect the selection as like in preview.

Delete Selected Area

Step 11

Select Ellipse Tool and create a small circle center of needle layer as like in preview.

Create a Small Circle

Now applying Bevel and Emboss on this small circle layer.

Bevel and Emboss

After applying bevel and emboss we get this new effect on small circle layer.

Get New Result

Step 12

Select Rectangle Tool from tool panel and create a small rectangle with white color #ffffff as like in preview.

Create a Small Rectangle

After create small rectangle now duplicate this rectangle lots of time and adjust them like a circle as like in preview.

Duplicate Rectangle

Step 13

Finely select Text Tool and type some text with white color as like you see in picture below, here I am using Stencil Font, you can chose your own choice.

Type Some Text

After all the struggle here we get our apple safari icon in final preview.

Final Preview

Final Preview

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