Step 9

Select the Line Tool and create a line with this color #1f393a, bottom of the car.

Create a Line

Go to the Blending Option and applying Outer Glow on this line layer.

Outer Glow

When we applying outer glow we get nice effect on line layer.

Get Nice Result on Line

Step 10

Select the both car image layers, duplicate these layers. In this time we have four car layers. Now select the new both duplicate car layers and transform it (Ctrl+T) right click on this layer, click on vertical option and set it down side.

Duplicate Car Image

After transform the duplicate car image layer we get this result.

After Transform

Select the Eraser Tool and erase the bottom of the duplicate car layer and down the Opacity (40%).

Erase the Down Area

Step 11

Select the line layer go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves and set the curves.

Set Curves

After set curves we get new result.

Get New Result

Step 12

Create new layer and name it Wire Layer select Hard Brush of (8px) and make a design with this color #faf8e9.

Create a Design

Go to Layer > Layer Style and applying Outer Glow on this layer.

Outer Glow

Outer Glow

After applying outer glow we get new result.

Get New Result

Duplicate this Wire Layer and set it little bit downside as like in preview.

Duplicate Layer

Now change the Outer Glow setting of this duplicate wire layer.

Outer Glow

After changed the setting of outer glow we get nice preview.

Now duplicate wire layer one more time and set it little bit downside of other layers.

Duplicate Again

Change the Outer Glow setting of this second duplicate wire layer.

Outer Glow

When we change the setting of this second duplicate layer we have cool result.

Get This Preview

Now select three wire layers and merge them (Ctrl+E) then go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and set Angle (50) and Distance (25).

Applying Motion Blur

After this implement you can see awesome effect.

Get New Preview

Set downside wire layer to the car image layer as like in preview.

Set Downside

Step 13

Now we go back to the line layer. Duplicate this line layer and set little bit down as like in picture below.

Duplicate Line Layer

Step 14

Select Rounded Rectangle Tool set radius (20px) and draw a small rectangle with this color #ff4800.

Create a Rectangle

Go to Filter > Blur > Motion Blur and set Distance (34).

Motion Blur

After applying motion blur we get new effect on this rectangle layer.

Get New Effect

Down 3px this rounded rectangle layer as like in picture below.

Set Actual Position

Step 15

Create new layer top of all the layers, select any Soft Brush of (60px) and draw a shape with red color #ff0000.

Create New Shape

Set the Blend Mode to (Color Dodge) of this shape layer.

Set Blend Mode to Color Dedge

Step 16

Again create new layer to the top of all the layers, select Soft Brush of (60px) and draw a shape with white color #ffffff.

Create New Layer

This time set the Blend Mode to (Exclusion) of this second shape layer.

Set Blend Mode

After set the blend mode we get awesome speed lightning car photo in final preview.

Final Preview

Final Preview

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