Creating Website Forms is sometimes very tedious process if you don’t have the right tools and coding skills, and more often when you need the form to be created within hours. For those who have zero coding skills to deal with forms, here is the list of sites that offer form creation and management as a service at very affordable rates.
1. Form Site
It’s a fast, secure and professional form builder site that can build professional looking form or survey in just a few minutes. They are very experienced in this business for over 10 years so it is most trusted one by developers.

2. Form Stack
It is rapidly growing form builder site since 2006 which has over thousands of customers in 110 countries all around the world. It has a 14 days free trial period and the monthly pricing is very affordable.

3. Gravity Forms
If you are a wordpress user this plugin is one of the best choices to handle form management process of your blog. Gravity forms is an excellent form creator and management plugin that can handle various functions inside your wordpress blog easily. If you like to buy this plugin try our gravity forms discount code and save 25-30% on every purchase.

4. Jotform
One of the easiest form builder on web, you can generate your form from their homepage and no need for time consuming signup process. Most of the features are absolute free with 10 free SSL secure submission. Get 1 Tb (Tera byte) space with unlimited features for only $49/month.

5. Freedback
Designed for people who want HTML forms without having any knowledge in HTML. The features are very similar to other form builder sites, so we can skip to next site.

6. EmailMe Form
Generate variety of online forms using their easy form builder. Design & build surveys, contact forms, and lead generation forms and seamlessly integrate your HTML contact forms on your website.

7. Wufoo
One of the most used and trusted brand in this business. It helps you to create contact forms, online surveys and invitation so you can collect data and online payments without writing a single line of code. Check out the example created by wufoo.

8. Google Docs
Many users are not aware of these features from Google docs, you can create form of all types like feedback, registration, survey forms etc., but you can’t embed those forms in your blog rather you can externally link to these forms. Data and other details are saved in separate spreadsheet in your Google docs account. It doesn’t have flexibility and option like other form builders; you only need a Google account to access these Google forms.

9. Adobe form Central
The company extends its footprints in the small and midsize business market by launching a new Web-based product for creating and managing HTML forms.

10. Zoho
Leading form builder site on web recommended by 95% of web users on net. It’s easy drag-and-drop interface, attachment features, customization and free analytics report makes Zoho the best in the business trusted by millions brands including PayPal, Pixar, BBC, Lenovo etc.