The Cisco 300-101 Route exam is regarding the implementation of Cisco IP routing. It is a 2-hour duration test that entails about 45-65 questions. English and Japanese are two languages in which you can take this certification examination. The 300-101 is an exam associated with the CCNP R&S and CCDP certificates.
This test proves that the candidate is aware of the routing arena and has passed the bar set by Cisco for obtaining one of its credentials. Candidates who clear the Cisco 300-101 ROUTE exam are certified in progressive IP routing and addressing. These are implemented on a scalable level which are highly secure Cisco routers and are in turn connected to IPv6, LANs, andWANs. The test further touches the areas that cover configuration of routing solutions that further support other offices and workers within the organization.
Cisco has recommended the following courses for clearing this certification examination:
- Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE) v2.0
- Cisco Learning Labs for CCNP ROUTE v2.0
- Cisco Certification Practice Exam by MeasureUp: ROUTE (300-101)
Please make sure that you only get enrolled with a Cisco learning partner as it will give you the knowledge, tips and updated know-how on a host of issues including the study material for the exam preparation. The courses are delivered by certified Cisco instructors.
Best Websites for Your Self-preparation
One of the websites that will help you prepare for the Cisco 300-101 ROUTE exam is Cisco Learning Network. This site provides three learning resources that you can use in your arsenal to pass the certification test. The first one is the Self-Study module which is centers on an e-Learning basis. The second resource is the Instructor-led learning, and the third one is the Press Release. Now, they have store content in Implementing Cisco IP Routing (ROUTE) v2.0CLN and Cisco Learning Labs for CCNP ROUTE v2.0 50-hour 180-day Labs.
The main advantage of this website is that there are only authorized publicationsofCisco certified books. One advice that this site gives you is to go to Cisco Press and get the latest CCNP publications which will enable your exam preparations. The website gives you an insight of what to expect from the actual examination and what topics will be given. The 300-101 exam covers the following topics:
- Network Principles – 10%
- Layer 2 Technologies – 10%
- Layer 3 Technologies – 40%
- VPN Technologies – 10%
- Infrastructure Security – 10%
- Infrastructure Services – 20%
The study material provided on the website is listed exactly as per the exam schedule which will help you in a systematic manner and omit any chances of missing any topic. The website further enhances its reach to the candidates by providing a practice questions which will help in the exam preparation. Remember that those questions will only facilitate your learning process and not necessarily actual exam questions.
One should also check out the Udemy website before he or she makes a final call to get attached to a Cisco Learning partner. What sets this site apart from the rest that it is light on your pocket. You will get some beneficial bids and promotional discountsthatare helpful for some test takers. The website recommends you have an experience of 1 year in the related field. Udemy concentrates on providing absolutelycomplete and profound knowledge and skillsthat will be requiredto plan, implement, verify, test, and then troubleshoot enterprise networks. It also includes any work required for the advanced security and wireless voice solutions.
The audience who should take up the course include System Engineers, Network Consultants, System Integrators and Cisco Channel Partners. This course provides you with a detailed curriculum for the course, along with the quantity of lectures, its deadlines, etc.This website also contains information about the lecturer and his background, feedback from participants, and review of the course. It moves a step further and allows you to take courses in a bundle, and you will get discounts for it as well. Features include things like 7.5 hours on-demand video, full lifetime access, access on mobile and TV, and certificate of completion.
Another website worth working on is CBT Nuggets. It provides great information like what you will learn, where can you work which include such companies asCisco, Autodesk and Philips, and more. You can also get information on how much is the estimated earning capacity on completion of this course. The website quotes “Employers are paying people with the knowledge covered in this course a median salary of $105,000 per year”. CBT Nuggets provides information on the trainer and his background and keeps in mind that the candidate must be provided with a real-world experience.The site highly recommends practicing and wants its participants to experience some hands-on work through their advanced labs. It has acknowledged that technical innovation and advancements in the field of Routing requires the course material and its lecturer to be updated accordingly.
So, it ensures that it has an eye fixed for looking out for advancements and technological changes, and then implements it in the training course as soon as possible. CBT Nuggets assures that once you are finished with their material, you will be ready to configure routing protocols at a master level. This website allows you a free trail for 7 days. Then if you have many team members and you enter into a multi-year contract, you are eligible for discounts as well. CBT Nuggets further recommends experiencethat includes some knowledge of the concepts in ICND1 and ICND2.
Lastly, once you have browsed through the websites we mentioned just have a quick glimpse at Cisco CCNP 300-101 Practice Questions. This site offers exam guides, braindumps, video training courses, and exam simulator for your dynamic and thorough self-preparation.
Practice makes a man perfect. The above-mentioned websiteswill give you more opportunities to prepare well for your exam and enhance your chances to clear it. So, do not miss out to practice for the test. You will also have access to tech notes, forums, and other resources.