When we think of the industries commonly associated with pollution, we usually envision large steel mills, oil derricks, paper factories, and so on. Interestingly enough, however, the web hosting industry has traditionally been one of the highest polluters out there. In fact, it’s on course to surpass the airline industry in global emissions output by as early as 2020. Fortunately, as the importance of eco-friendly business and consumer practices continues to spread around the globe, more and more web hosting providers are “going green” as they say and making a conscious effort to reduce their carbon footprint.
The Need for Green Web Hosting
While you may not realize it, a lot of energy is needed to properly run a web hosting company. Every single server out of the many hundreds in a hosting operation requires a specific amount of energy to properly run. Just imagine how much the entire industry requires!
In addition to the energy needed to power the servers, power-draining climate control systems are needed to keep them cool, internet connectivity is needed to keep the network up and running, sophisticated security systems are needed to keep the operation safe and secure, and many other energy-guzzling processes add to a hosting company’s energy consumption and harmful emissions. With hundreds and even thousands of servers being utilized by many standard web hosting companies, web hosting can easily be credited for contributing to global warming over the last two decades.
What is Green Web Hosting?
As its name suggests, green web hosting is an environmentally-friendly alternative to standard web hosting. More and more companies are taking the eco-conscious initiative to minimize the negative environmental impact of their server and data centers.
Standard hosting operations require a substantial amount of energy to power their servers and other network hardware. Furthermore, Internet connections, cooling and dehumidification controls, electronic security systems, and fire suppression systems required in standard hosting centers also call for significant energy usage. With thousands of hosting and data centers around the world, the negative environmental impact of standard web hosting is certainly easy to see.
Fortunately, the notion of green web hosting has gained considerable traction in recent years. Today, more and more hosting companies are implementing green initiatives to reduce the environmental damage caused by their industry and make a positive difference in the lives of businesses, consumers, and the world as a whole.
How Green Web Hosting Works
Green reseller hosting and standard green web hosting companies help the environment by minimizing data center emissions in a number of ways. Some choose to do so by utilizing solar, wind, and other renewable energy sources to power their hosting services. Others thrive on carbon and renewable energy credits or have chosen to replace their energy-guzzling servers with newer more efficient models.
Many green web hosting companies are not only implementing green energy practices in their server rooms, but they’re being environmentally conscious at the office as well. From carpooling to paperless operations, every energy saving method plays an important role in minimizing harmful CO2 emissions.
Let’s take a closer look at the various energy saving methods employed by today’s green web hosting providers, including:
Renewable Energy Credits: Many green web hosting companies purchase renewable energy credits, which act as certificates for the purchase of an electric company’s renewable energy sources. While the hosting provider may not actually be utilizing green energy, their purchasing of renewable energy credits definitely plays a role in reducing carbon emissions and their dependence on non-renewable energy sources.
Server Replacement and Optimization: Green web hosting initiatives in data centers usually involve the use of server hardware optimized for energy efficiency. A standard hosting provider utilizing Pentium 4-based servers uses over 60,000 KWH of energy and releases over 20 tons of CO2 into the air per year. By switching to much more powerful and efficient Quad Core with HT and dual processor systems, green web hosting providers have been able to downsize the number of servers needed, allowing them to decrease their energy consumption and increase their performance.
Use of Solar and Renewable Energy: Some green web hosting providers have taken “going green” to the extreme by running their offices on solar or wind power. Some even utilize renewable energy for their IT operations.
Promoting Eco-Friendly Practices: Many green web hosting providers promote carpooling, energy efficiency, and other eco-friendly practices in an effort to be as eco-conscious as possible. Some have even implemented the practice of planting a tree for every new hosting package sale.
The Power of Green Web Hosting
Aside from its positive environmental impact, perhaps the best aspect of green web hosting is its ability to reduce energy consumption without sacrificing performance and reliability. Several hosting companies have learned to maximize their energy efficiency while still providing customers with the quality hosting services they need. Today, green web hosting and green reseller hosting packages are available at extremely competitive prices, providing you with all of the features you would expect from a standard web hosting provider.
Is Green Web Hosting the Solution for You?
Mounting evidence is clearly showing that the environment is becoming increasingly unstable. However, by choosing a green web hosting solution, you can actually make a difference in the world and help the environment without lifting a finger.
Green web hosting is competitively priced and comparable to standard hosting in every regard. So, whether you’re concerned about the environment or simply want a little good PR, green web hosting is definitely worth having.
Similar to recycling and similar green initiatives, every little bit helps. In our modern, internet-driven world, socially and environmentally-friendly web hosts can make a huge difference in reducing carbon emissions and reversing the damage already caused by energy-hungry standard web hosts. By finding a reliable green hosting service that meets your needs, you can enjoy fast and reliable hosting services while playing your part in preserving the Earth one kilowatt at a time.