Responsive web design has become a necessity as the method used to create websites that can be viewed on a mobile device. There are issues that can occur when building a website using responsive design. A good branding agency with the requisite amount of experience would be adept in dealing with these hurdles. Here are the 11 biggest challenges web developers normally face and how they can be addressed.
No Static Design Phase
Though there is no static design phase when it comes to responsive web design, it is still the best choice. Google states that responsive web design is what they prefer. The design process that people have been using since the advent of websites is updated with new methods. Previously, static screen shots were taken of a website. With this method designers are relying on wireframing and quick sketches to help them build the ultimate site. They are using web browser to create sites that can be viewed just on a mobile device and on a desktop. CSS and HTML prototypes are now used in website creation.
Every designer goes through a different process when building websites. The easiest way to get around the lack of static design is to test out ideas on different sized paper to determine what layout looks best. Responsive sketching can be used to streamline this process and produce a useful end result. Experts recommend that to easily create a site using responsive web design it is best to use an Internet browser and using HTML to create the site. Once the basic framework of a site is completed Photoshop can then be used to add assets to the website in favor of adding full layouts. Depending on the size of the design project it is also smart to create and use wireframe widgets.
Creating A Site’s Navigation Is Trickier
Old methods of building websites dictated that the navigation ran horizontally along the top of the site. The approach to the navigation of any website has changed thanks to the responsive design method. This method calls for a site to be designed based on the architecture of the information presented as well as the full content of the site. There are many design considerations that must now be included when determining how a specific website will be navigated by its users. Where in the past designers would simply download a demo or script to help them create a site’s navigation, they now need to take a long hard look at the site they are in the process of creating and evaluate its functions.
The Technology Is More Involved
Compared to old methods of website design, responsive design involves a more complicated level of technology that not everyone understands. A website designer working with a client will have a harder time explaining the process now than they would have in the past. Most designers simply choose to show their client what they are doing rather than try to explain it to them. Tools that are now used in web design that previously weren’t include prototyping, wireframing and sketching. But these tools are not something everyone understands how to use, so a web designer has to change their approach when using this method. The preferred approach with responsive design is to complete the project in full before showing it to the client.
There Are Myths Surrounding Responsive Web Design
Since not everyone understands the concept of this type of web design there are many myths out there about it. One of them is that using this type of design means that some of a website’s content must be excluded. However, nothing could be further from the truth. It is still possible to design a website in a responsive style without having to sacrifice content. The process requires web developers to tweak the methods they use in order to make the complete content of any website visible regardless of the device the site is being viewed on.
A Perceived Lack of Performance
Another myth surrounding this web design method is that it results in a lower performance level than past design methods did. In order to avoid a lower level of performance web developers must limit the size of the Java script library they use to create a site as well as the size of the images they use. The bigger the Java script library is and the larger the images are the more bandwidth a user needs in order to be able to load the site quickly and efficiently on their device. As long as performance is not sacrificed using responsive web design is the preferred alternative today.
The Misconception That It Doesn’t Comply To Non Mobile Devices
Since responsive web design has gained popularity due to its ability to make any website mobile friendly many people don’t realize that sites designed using this method aren’t just being designed for mobile devices. There was a time when websites could only be viewed on a computer. Then they began being viewed on mobile devices as well. In today’s world, with certain game consoles including built in WiFi, websites need to be built so that they can also be viewed on a TV. The screen resolution of a TV is drastically different than that of a mobile device or desktop computer. The best way to help more people realize that responsive web design applies to more than just mobile devices is to ensure a site’s content will fit onto a screen regardless of what its resolution is.
There Are Limited Uses for This Type of Web Design
Not every website can be designed using this method. The solution to this is to create sites with a flexible width so they can accommodate any screen.
Only Certain Resolutions Are Considered
Responsive web design is meant to give everyone equal access to a website’s full version. This means the framework of the site must use breakpoints to make the website more efficient.
Typography Is Sometimes Compromised
The typography of a site must be carefully considered. The site’s design must be the top priority. Using certain relative units to create sites allows for all of the content to be included as it should be.
Newest Technique
Being the newest technique web developers are still learning the full effects of creating a site using this type of design. Therefore, the technique needs to be unified as designers continue to learn more about it.
Still In Development
Responsive web design is still being developed, as it has only been used for the last couple years. This brings many questions to light.