iPhone is a rage among our generation so the importance of iPhone application websites can be very well understood. One thing that many of the iPhone application websites have ‘in common’ is their beautiful and inspiring design. They simply look amazing. It over power the traditional websites for its design, attraction, colors, and browsing easiness. A specific type of design trend I’ve seen a lot lately are the iPhone app websites.
These Websites have dual purpose one is the Website design that displays these applications in the best way. These sites are usually very focused, professional and clean. Soothing colors, carefully chosen fonts, magnificent layouts and textures and eye catching pictures makes you say wow. So here we are with 22 outstanding and cool iPhone application websites for your web design inspiration.
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1. NotaApp
All Forces is Melvin Rivera, an independent developer for the iPhone and iPad. All Forces stands for the union of design and code, arts and engineering, the yin and the yang of the user experience.

2. Mimidoo
Mimidoo works with all iPhones and iPod Touches running version 3.0 software or later.

3. GoBible
GoBible is a new media, consumer products company that leverages cutting edge technology with a focus on religion.

4. 2udoku
2udoku adds a new dimension to Sudoku: it lets you play together with a friend! The two of you will be playing the same Sudoku and your challenge is to be the first one to complete the game.

5. AirPhones
AirPhones is the next-generation solution to wireless headphones. Now use your iPhone or iPod Touch to listen to any audio from your computer via Wi-Fi.

6. Roving Bird
RovingBird develops mobile applications for iOS (iPhone & iPad), Android and Windows Phone 7.

7. Bottle Rocket
Bottle Rocket Apps is dedicated to creating the highest quality apps in the world. We believe exceptionally innovative technology not only enhances the way we do things – it redefines the way we live our lives.

8. Sourcebits
Sourcebits is a software development company that has created several iPhone apps.

9. Things
Things is one of the top task manager applications for the Mac as well as the iPhone and iPod touch. It is easy to use and its many features increase productivity.

10. Classics
Classics is an application that holds many great books that you can read on your iPhone.

11. FileMagnet
FileMagnet makes it easy to copy files from your computer to your iPhone and iPod Touch. It’s compatible with all the popular file formats so you can read all your favorite documents on the go.

12. iPhone Mobile Application
Our goal is to serve the best solutions with intense customer orientation that enable them to earn maximum Return on their Investments. Our Mobile Application Development team ensures the applications that enable the users to enjoy extended functionalities of the Wireless Handhelds.

13. Payshield Website
PayShield is the most powerful way to have access to your PayPal account. It is based on the PayPal API Credentials and it is available worldwide.

14. Panelfly Website
Panelfly is excited to introduce our new digital comic experience available to fans via the iOS and Android platforms.

15. iPhone
Some features, applications, and services are not available in all areas. See your carrier for details. Application availability and pricing are subject to change.

16. Dig Deep Fitness
Dig Deep Fitness is the best iPhone fitness application because it is the only iPhone fitness application that was developed by a weight lifter for other weight lifters.

17. iPhonevine
iPhonevine is a small person-driven design studio located on the east coast, more specifically, New Jersey. The studio never limits its variety of work, always looking to go above and beyond the limitations. Most importantly, clients are never discriminated against.

18. Parking App
Parking Mate is designed to be the most efficient and intuitive way to avoid the costly tickets and towing that can result from expired meters, street sweeping and other difficult to remember parking restrictions.

19. appcubby – Gas Cubby
Gas Cubby is the ultimate tool for tracking gas mileage and vehicle maintenance. Whether you’re a hypermiler, or just want a reminder to change the oil, Gas Cubby will save you money and keep your vehicle operating at its peak.

20. Parablox
Parablox is an exciting action puzzle game where the goal is to destroy colored blocks by controlling a bouncing ball.

21. Tourist
Read, explore and save WikiTravel articles on your iPhone. No more paper guidebook for every vacation.

22. Melatonin App
Melatonin puts boring alarm clocks to sleep. Simply set your alarm time, select a fun theme and watch the sun go down while you listen to your favorite music.

So what do you think? What are your favorite sites out of this list? And do you think this type of design trend is being overdone? So please leave your comment about this post on the comment section below. If you liked it tell your friends by tweeting it.