A business card is usually engraved with name, designation, address, telephone number and the logo design of the company. Unique business cards can help you to stand out to potential clients. Some of them are visually appealing, some have fancy die cut business cards, some are edible, and some are just crazy.
There are so many great ideas as to how a card should be designed in order to catch the attention of people. So, today I’m featuring a collection of some extraordinary shaped business cards that one cannot forget easily. Take a look at this collection and who knows, you might want to create your own and even share it with the others.
1. Jake Applebee

2. Razor’s Edge Business Card

3. Mixtape Generation

4. iPhone Inspired Business Cards Idea

5. TAM Cargo

6. Elevator

7. Wood Business Cards

8. Money Business Card

9. Norburn Model Aircraft Supply

10. Marianne Lock

11. Agencia D Business Card

12. Beata Faron

13. Smiling Surface

14. Laptop Design Business Card

15. USB Drive Business Card

16. Michela Business Card

17. In60seconds Business Card

18. Bombay Bakery Business Card

19. New Zealand All Blacks

20. Greyhound Adoption Business Card

21. Popup Business Cards

22. Fantastic Toys

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