Step 8

Select Rectangle Tool or Line Tool and draw a vertical line with this color #008687.

Create Line

Duplicate the line layer ten time and adjust these lines as like in preview.

Duplicate Line Ten Time

Step 9

Select again Rectangle Tool or Line Tool and draw a horizontal line with this color #008687.

Create Line Horizentle

Duplicate the horizontal line five time and adjust these lines as like in picture.

Duplicate Five Time Horizentle Line

Step 10

Now top of the all layers create a rectangle with help of rounded rectangle tool and applying white color #ffffff as like in preview.

Duplicate Second Rectangle Layer

Now with the help of Polygonal Lasso Tool select the same area as like shown in preview and hit the delete button.

Polygonal Lasso Tool

When we deleted the selected area down the opacity 30% of this current layer.

Minimize Opacity 30%

Step 11

Select the Pen Tool form tool panel and draw a shape with black color #000000 as like in preview.

Create Shape With Pen Tool

When we created the shape we get this nice result.

Create Shape With Pen Tool

Step 12

Now applying some blending options to this shape layer.

Outer Glow

Outer Glow

Inner Glow

Inner Glow

Gradient Overlay

Gradient Overlay



When we applying all these effects on this shape layer, we get awesome preview.

Get Awesome Preview

Step 13

At this time select the Ellipse Tool and draw a small circle with green color #6df621.

Draw Small Circle

Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur set radius 5.0%

Circle Gaussain Blur

Now we get a cool effect on circle layer as like in preview.

Get Cool Effect on Circle

Step 14

Select the Ellipse Tool again form tool panel and draw a shape for creating a shadow of diagnostics icon with this color #b2b2b2.

Shadow Create With Ellipse Tool

Go blend mode and minimize the opacity 40%.

Minimize Opacity

Step 15

Now duplicate this shape layer set blend mode opacity 100% and applying this color #6e6e6e.

Duplicate Shadow

Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur and set radius 6.8%.

Shadow Gaussian Blur

After applying the Gaussian blur filter, we get a new style shadow as like in final preview.

Final Preview

Final Preview

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