Today I am showing you a new Eid text effect in Photoshop. This tutorial just take your 40 minutes, and after this struggle you can see an awesome effect that is never forgettable. I am confidently say that you feel very happy when you try this cool tutorial and you will definitely improve your skill through this tutorial. So enjoy and just remember to share your opinions with us.

Other related tutorial:

Tutorial details:

  • Program: Adobe Photoshop CS5
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Estimated Completion Time: 40 Mins

Create a New EiD Text Effect In Photoshop – Final Preview

Final Preview

Tools and Resources

Tools and Resources

External Resource

Photoshop Tools

  • Text Tool
  • Rectangle Tool
  • Rectangle Marquee Tool
  • Brush Tool
  • Gradient Overlay
  • Eraser Tool

Lets start to create our new text effect in Photoshop.

Step 1

Create new document (Ctrl+N) 700×500 of size.

Create New Document

Step 2

First of all write some text with this color #c3c2c2, I am using Slant Font you can use your own choice.

Write a Text
After Write Text

Go to Layer > Layer Style and applying some Blending Options to this text layer.

Inner Glow

Inner Glow



After applying these layer styles we get this awesome result.

Get Awesome Effect

Step 3

Duplicate text layer and clear all effects of this duplicate text layer, set little bit upper side of 1st text layer and applying white color #ffffff.

Duplicate Text Layer

Step 4

Now duplicate this second white text layer and set little bit upper side and applying this color #ffde00.

Duplicate Second Text Layer

Now go to the Blending Options and applying some Layer Styles.

Drop Shadow

Drop Shadow

Bevel and Emboss

Bevel and Emboss

After applying layer style, we get cool text effect as like in preview.

Get Result

Step 5

Now here we are going to design our text background. Create a new layer top of all the layers, name it layer drops, select Soft Brush (15px) and draw some spots with white color #ffffff.

Create New Layer Make Drops

Now set the brush size (10px) and draw more spots on drops layer.

Draw More Spots

Again set the brush size (5px) and draw more spots to make more effective our background.

Draw More Spots

Step 6

Create new layer select Soft Round Brush (100px) and painting with this color #26201e down side of the all text layers.

Create New Layer

Set Opacity (20%) of this layer.

Set Opacity

Step 7

Create new layer select Chalk Brush (60px).

Create New layer

Painting with this color #26201e, downside of all text layers.

Draw Brush Shape

Down the Opacity (50%) of this layer.

Down Opacity 50

Step 8

Create new layer select the any soft round brush (400px) and paint with white color #ffffff.

Create New Layer
Brush Spot

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