Today we are creating a flourish marble text effect in Photoshop.This tutorial explains how to use Photoshop layer styles and Filters to create a nice marble text effect. We hope you will like our beautiful creation. Don’t forget to comment if you like this tutorial. Enjoy!

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Flourish Marble Text Effect: Final Preivew

Final Preview Flourish Marble Text Effect

Tools and Resources

Tools and Resources

Photoshop Tools

  • Text Tool

Now lets start to create a flourish marble text effect in Photoshop,

Step 1

Create new docoment of width 600 x height 500, select background #4e4836.


Step 2

Now set the marble texture on background.

Marble Texture

Change the texture blend mode to multiply.

Texture Blend Mode Multiply

Step 3

Create the text using the color #aaa691, write Flourish Marble or any thing you like.

Flourish MArble Text

Duplicate the text layer and change the fill value to 0, of both text layers. Select the orignal text layer and applying some blending options.

Drop shadow  distance 6, size 10 with this color #525252.

Drop Shadow

Inner shadow with color #8b8773, distance 5 size 13 and contour half round.

Inner Shadow

Inner glow with color #b3b3b3 and blend mode linear light, technique precise, and size 10.

Inner Glow

Bavel and Emboss depth 300, size 12, soften 3, and shadow mode color #636055.

Bevel and Emboss

After applying these blending options we get awesome effect as shown in preview.

Get Awesome Preview

Step 4

Now select the 2nd duplicate text layer and go to blending option applying some effects, fill value must be zero.

Bavel and emboss, depth 250 size 7, angle 100, altitude 60, click the check box of anti aliesed of glass contour, highlight mode opecity 80% and shadow mode color #d9d9d9.

Bevel and Emboss

After applying bevel and emboss of 2nd duplicate text layer we get new effect.

Get New Effective preview

Step 5

Create new layer in the center of both text layer, named it Texture.


Now ctrl+click on the down text layer and select the texture layer, apply this color #a47b30.

Click Text Layer

After applying color we get complete texture layer as in preview.

Get Complete Texture Layer

Step 6

Now we are going to create the Flourish marble text, applying some filter effects on texture layer.

Go to filter > artistic > sponge.


After applying.

After Applying Sponge.

Go to Filter > Sketch > Chalk and Charcoal. Change the Charcoal Area to 7, the Chalk area to 10, and the Stroke Pressure to 1.

Apply Chalk and Charcoal

After applying chalk and charcoal we get something like shown in picture below.

After Chalk and Charcoal

Now Go to Filter > Artistic > Plastic Wrap. Apply the Highlight Strength to 17, the Detail to 14, and the Smoothness to 5.

Plastic Warp

After applying these effect, we get beautiful look.

After Applying PlasticWarp

Now last time go to Filter > Artistic > Film Grain. Set the Grain to 10, the Highlight Area to 15, and the Intensity to 10.

Film Grain

After applying filter we get amazing preview below.

AfterApply Film Grain

Step 7

Now change the texture layer blend mode to multiply.

Change Belnd Mode

Go to Image > Adjustments > Hue Saturation, and set the Saturation value to -80.

Hue Satration
Hue Saturation

After set the hue saturation we get flourish marble text effect in the final preview.

Final Preview

Final Preview

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