In this tutorial we are going to create a cool 3D Globe in Photoshop CS3 using basic tools and the Spherize filter. This whole tutorial won’t take more than 30 minutes. This technique is useful for logo and icons. I hope you will like this tutorial and share your comments with us.

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Tutorial details:

  • Program: Adobe Photoshop CS3
  • Difficulty: Intermediate
  • Estimated Completion Time: 30 Mins

Creating a 3D Globe in Photoshop – Final Preview

Creating a 3D Globe in Photoshop

Tool and Resources

Tool and Resources


Following photoshop tool are used in this tutorial.

  • Elliptical Marquee Tool
  • Gradient Tool
  • Rectangle Tool

Let’s start to create our create a 3D globe tutorial in Photoshop,

Step 1

Open Adobe Photoshop, and create a new Photoshop document. I am going to create a new document of 520 x 520 px with #ffffff color.

3D Globe in Photoshop

Step 2

First of all select the Rectangle Tool (U) and draw a rectangle as like in preview.

Draw a Rectangle

Now start duplicating it until you get 6 columns.

Duplicate Rectangle

After that duplicate those 6 rectangles and rotate them to create a grid.

Create a Grid

Step 3

With the Elliptical Marquee Tool (M) create a circle selection as like in the image below.

Elliptical Marquee Tool

Go to Filter > Distort > Spherize. Use 100% for the amount and normal for the mode.

Applying Filter Spherize

When we applying spherize filter then we have get new effect as like in picture.

Cool Effect

Now cut the selection (Ctrl+X) and paste it on new layer (Ctrl+V).

Cut the Selection

Step 4

Now we applying gradient overlay and Inner shadow. Go to Layer > Layer Styles > Gradient Overlay.

Gradient Overlay

Inner Shadow

Inner Shadow

After applying these blending options we get a awesome effect.

Layer Style

Step 5

Now duplicate the circle layer and right click on this layer, click on Clear All Layer Style option. Now rotate it 45º.

Go to Edit > Transform > Rotate.

Rotate the Duplicate Circle

Step 6

In this step we applying again gradient overlay and inner shadow on duplicate circle layer.

Gradient Overlay

Gradient Overlay

Inner Shadow

Inner Shadow

After applying layer style, we get cool effect on circle.

Applying Blending Option

Select the two globe layers and merge them (Ctrl+E). After that go to Layer > Merge Layers. You will have one layer with the globe.

Step 7

In this final step, select the background layer and go to Layer > Layer Styles > Gradient Overlay.

Gradient Overlay

After applying gradient overlay we have get awesome and cool 3D Globe as like in final preview below.

Final Preview

Creating a 3D Globe in Photoshop

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