This photoshop tutorial will show that you how to create a professional flashing text effect in Photoshop. This tutorial technique will add depth to your design. Also you will use layer blending modes, filter and opacity settings to create this text effect. It is a very nice tutorial but you should follow it step by step and understand all points to make a professional effect. Enjoy!
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Tutorial details:
- Program: Adobe Photoshop CS5
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Estimated Completion Time: 40 Mins
Create a Flashing Text Effect in Photoshop – Final Preview

Tools and Resources

External Resources
Photoshop Tools
- Text Tool
- Brush Tool
- Gradient Overlay
Lets start to create our flashing text effect in photoshop.
Step 1
Create a new document (Ctrl+N) with 800×500 of size.

Step 2
Set background color #101010, select Text Tool from tool panel type some text with 200px of size applying white color #ffffff. Here I am using Unrealised Font you can select your own choice of font.

Now I am going to applying some Blending Options on this text layer.
Go to Layer > Layer Styles and applying these Blending Options.
Bevel and Emboss

Gradient Overlay

After applying these blending options we get nice effect on text layer.

Step 3
Hold Ctrl key then click thumbnail of text layer to make a selection.

Go to Select > Modified > Contract, and set contract by (5px), after set contract selection decrease 5px around the text as like in preview.

When we set contract selection decreases 5px round the text layer.

Step 4
Create a new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N) name it Noise, fill selected area with white color #ffffff.

Now I am going to applying noise of this layer.
Go to Filter > Noise > Add Noise.

After add noise we get cool effect on noise layer.

Press (Ctrl+F) three times to make noise effect more effective.

Step 5
In this step applying Dust & Scratches Filter on noise layer, don’t deselect the selection now, keep working on it.
Go to Filter > Noise > Dust & Scratches.

After applying dust & scratches we get beautiful result.

Step 6
Now applying Emboss Filter on this noise layer.
Go to Filter > Sterilize > Emboss.

When we set emboss filter we get nice effect on noise layer.

Step 7
In this step we are going to set the Brightness & Contrast of this noise layer.
Go to Image > Adjustment > Brightness & contrast.

After set brightness we get this new result, Now press (Ctrl+D) to deselect selection.

Set Fill (70%) of this noise layer.

Step 8
Now go to the Blending Options and applying some Layer Styles on this noise layer.
Go to Layer > Layer Styles and applying these Layer Styles.
Inner Shadow

Bevel and Emboss

After applying these layer styles we get beautiful effect on noise layer.

Step 9
Now create a new layer go to Layer > New > Layer or press (Shift+Ctrl+N) to create new layer, select Star Brush (60px) of size paint with white color #ffffff.

Same as select star brush and paint other several areas with white color #ffffff as like in preview.

Now I am going to applying Gaussian Blur Filter on star brush layer.
Go to Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur.

After applying gaussian blur we get new effect on star brush layer.

Step 10
Select original text layer go to the Blending Options and change the Gradient Overlay setting of original text layer.
Go to Layer > Layer Styles > Gradient Overlay.

After applying this gradient overlay we get beautiful resut.

After complete all the procedure we get our flashing text effect in final preview.
Final Preview

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