Step 7

Select the Ellipse Tool and draw a small circle with this color #24ff00.

Create a Small Circle

Now go to Layer > Layer Style and applying some effects on this circle layer.

Outer Glow

Outer Glow


Stroke Green

After applying these styles we get nice effect on circle layer.

Get Nice Green Circle

Now duplicate this circle eleven time and adjust these circles as like in picture.

Duplicate Green Circle

Step 8

Now select third number circle and change the layer style.

Outer Glow

Outer Glow



Now same these option applying on forth number circle then we get this result.

Get Result

Step 9

Change the five and six number circles layer styles.

Outer Glow

Outer Glow



When we applying these layer styles on five and six number circles, we get a cool preview.

Get Nice Preview

Step 10

Now select seven and eight number circle and change the layer styles.

Outer Glow

Outer Glow



After this step we get new effect on these circles.

Get New Effect

Step 11

Now in this step change last four circles blending options, applying color #5e5e5e and Stroke.


After changing the layer styles we get beautiful preview.

Get Beautiful Preview

Step 12

Now in this final step select the Text Tool and write something as you like but I have written MAC.

Final Preview

Final Preview

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