Radar looks very simple. However, to create a realistic one, it needs some techniques and tactics to do so.This realistic radar mainly relies on reflection and lighting effects. This create can be used as your icon.
Today I have shared a cool Radar icon tutorial with you. You enhance your Photoshop skills with this awesome tutorial. I hope you will like this attractive radar icon tutorial. Don’t forget to share comment with us.
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Tutorial Details:
- Program: Adobe Photoshop CS5
- Difficulty: Intermediate
- Estimated Completion Time: 1 Hours
Download Source File:
Radar Icon Tutorial in Photoshop – Final Preview
Tools and Resources
Photoshop Tools
- Ellipse Tool
- Elliptical Marquee Tool
- Gradient Tool
- Line Tool
- Brush Tool
- Pen Tool
Let’s start to create a beautiful radar icon in Photoshop
Step 1
Create a new document 600×500 of size with any of color as you like. But I have set white color #ffffff.
Step 2
Select the Ellipse tool from the tool panel and draw a circle, any of color but I have selected this color #1e97e3 for circle as shown in preview.
Step 3
After draw the circle, next step to rasterize this circle with the help of Ellipse Marquee Tool (M). Select this marquee tool from tool panel and draw a small circle and cut the big circle with pressing delete button, as in preview.
After doing this step we get something as like shown picture below.
Step 4
Now I am going to applying some blending options for create a amazing border.
Drop shadow with black color #000000, size 27, opacity 60%.
- Inner shadow with white color #ffffff, opacity 75%, distance 3, choke 11, size 10 and quality cone.
- Bevel and Emboss with highlight mode color #090909 with blend mode multiply, shadow mode color #ffffff with blend mode screen, Depth 510, size 81, soften 4.
- Color overlay with black color #000000, opacity 100%.
After applying these blending options we get awesome border as like in preview.
Step 5
Now I am selecting the ellipse tool again and draw a circle center of the border with black color #000000.
Step 6
Now duplicate the black circle layer, applying gray color #939393, and go to Edit > transform or press (ctrl+t), set center of the black circle as shown in preview.
After setting go to blending option and applying Inner shadow on circle layer.
- Inner shadow with color #9c0654, size 9 and opacity 100%.
After applying this effect you can see preview below.
Step 7
Now duplicate again the small circle and adjust in center of all the circles and apply Gradient overlay.
Gradient Overlay
After applying gradient we get cool preview.