Step 9

Again create a small circle with Ellipse Tool and applying this color #f0d3f3.

Create Small Circle

Step 10

Create new layer select Pen Tool and draw a path as like in picture below.

Create a Path

After creating the path right click on path and select (Make Selection) option.

Line Path Selection

Now fill this selection with white color #ffffff and name it layer Line. Press the (Ctrl+D) for deselection.

Fill Selection

After fill the selection set line layer bottom of the all circle layers as like in preview.

Set Line Bottom Side

Now go to blending option and applying Satin.


After applying satin we get new effect on line layer.

Get New Effect

Now minimize the opacity of line layer 50%.

Minimize the Opacity

Step 11

Create new layer select Polygonal Lasso Tool and make a selection as like in preview.

Make a Selection

Fill this selection with gradient Overlay gray to transparent.

Gradient Overlay
Fill Selection With Gradient

After applying gradient overlay we get beautiful shape as like in picture below.

Get Polygonal Lasso Shape

Step 12

Select the Ellipse Tool create a circle with black color #000000 bottom of all the layers and name it layer Small Stand.

Create Black Circle

Step 13

Select Ellipse Tool and create a shape with black color #000000 name it layer Stand.

Create a Black Shape

Go to Edit > Transform > Perspective minimize the size of upper side of stand layer as like in preview.

Transform Stand Shape layer

Now adjust the stand layer little bit upper side as like in picture below.

Adjust Stand Layer

Step 14

Now go to Layer > Layer Style and applying some blending options on this stand layer.

Bevel and Emboss

Bevel and Emboss

Color Overlay

Color Overlay

After applying these layer styles we get new effect on stand shape layer.

Get New Effect on Stand Layer

Step 15

Duplicate this stand layer and change theĀ Layer Style of duplicate stand layer.

Bevel and Emboss

Bevel and Emboss

After applying bevel and emboss on duplicate stand layer we get beautiful webcam stand.

Get Duplicate Stand

Step 16

In this last step applying the gray color #555454 on small stand layer as like in final preview.

Final Preview

Final Preview

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