The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of computers that are connected and can automatically gather and send data over a wireless network without a user’s help. The Internet of Things isn’t only for desktop computers and mobile devices like smartphones and tablets; anything with a physical on/off switch can connect to the internet.

A person with a heart monitoring implant, a camera broadcasting live feeds of wild animals in coastal waters, or a vehicle with built-in sensors to alert the driver of possible hazards are all examples of “things” that may be part of the Internet of Things. This article will walk you through the most crucial procedures for safeguarding your Internet of Things devices, as specified by JFrog in its security protocols.

Ensure Every IoT Device Needs Configuration

When you start seeing smart cat litter boxes and smart saltshakers on the market, you know we’ve reached or are very close to the stage when the Internet of Things devices are universally accepted. However, you should not just disregard such features or believe that they are secure by default. If a device is left unlocked and not set up, a hacker can use it in any way they want.

Know Your Gear

It is important to know what kinds of devices are connected to your network and to keep a full and up-to-date list of all Internet of Things assets that are connected.

With each new Internet of Things device that connects to the network, you should update your asset map and learn all you can about it. You should know the manufacturer and model ID, the serial number, the software and firmware versions, and any other important information.

Use Strong Login Credentials

People have the propensity to use the same login and password for all their devices, and the passwords they use are often easy.

Ensure that each employee has their login and uses secure passwords. Always change the factory default password on new devices and use two-factor authentication if it’s available. Use public key infrastructure (PKI) and digital certificates to offer a secure basis for device identification and trust to guarantee trustworthy connections. This will ensure the construction of reliable relationships.

Deploy End-to-End Encryption

When two linked devices interact, data is sent from one area to another, and regrettably, this procedure does not always involve encryption. To protect yourself against packet sniffing, a common kind of attack, you must encrypt data before every transmission. Data transfer between devices must be encrypted by default configuration. If they do not, you should check alternatives.

Examine for Device Updates

Because the firmware and software of the hardware may have been updated between the time it was manufactured and the time you obtained it, make sure you update them before using them for the first time. If your device supports automatic updates, you should activate it to avoid having to do these steps manually.

Change the name and password of the router that is connected to the server. Routers often assume their respective manufacturers’ identities by default. It is also strongly advised that you do not mention the name of your company anywhere within the network.

Disable Any Features That You Do Not Need

Turning off any features or functionalities that you will not be utilizing is one of the greatest ways to safeguard a smartphone. This includes open TCP/UDP ports, open serial ports, open password prompts, unencrypted communications, unprotected radio connections, and any other location where code injection is conceivable, such as a website server or a database.

Avoid Making Use of Public Wi-Fi

Using free Wi-Fi at Starbucks is never a good idea but doing so while attempting to connect to your network is exceedingly risky. A large majority of the time, public Wi-Fi access points are outdated, out of date, have not been upgraded, and have easily breached security. If you have no option but to use public Wi-Fi, use a Virtual Private Network (VPN).

Use Segmentation

Network segmentation is the process of dividing a network into two or more subsections to get granular control over traffic flow between devices and workloads. In a non-segmented network, nothing is compartmentalized. A hacker who successfully breaks your firewall will have complete access since every endpoint can interact with every other endpoint. Hackers have a far more difficult time traversing a network when it is divided into sectors.

Businesses should use VLAN settings and next-generation firewall rules to create network segments that segregate Internet of Things devices and IT assets. If this approach is taken, both parties will be protected from any potential lateral exploit.