New version of Chip Life WordPress blog theme has been updated. Chip Life was launched on December 26, 2010 and there are lot of changes regarding to security, design and development point of view in its latest release 1.2.
Let’s have an overview about the latest version of Chip Life 1.2, and you may also be interested to browse other themes of tutorialchip i.e Chip Zero and Chip Photo.
Security Updates 1.2
- Chip Life WordPress theme options have been re-written to fix security vulnerabilities.
- Chip Life options are properly validated and sanitized before entering into the database.
- Chip Life is now using WordPress Settings API which is more secure.
Development Updates 1.2
- Methodology of including smaller templates within main theme has been updated to WordPress approved and built-in functions i.e get_template_part() and locate_tempalte().
- All functions, classes, constants and global variables are properly prefixed to avoid any possible conflicts.
- Additional style-sheets are loaded properly with WordPress built-in function wp_enqueue_style().
- Edit Post Link has been integrated. There will be Edi” link on posts when the user will be logged in.
- WordPress Menus logic has been updated.
- Secondary Menu algorithm has been improved. Secondary Menu space will be hidden by default unless it is activated via WordPress Admin Panel. So you have freedom to switch on or off Secondary Menu according to your wish.
- Read More link logic has been improved and integrated to WordPress built-in method and code standard.
- Comments Disabled logic has been improved. There will be No “Comments are Closed” message now.
- Search Results Not Found or Archives Not Found are entertained with a separate message with built-in search form option.
- Display Navigation to Next / Previous pages when applicable.
- Post ID has been integrated in Post Loop Block.
- A different list-style for nested ordered list items have been implemented.
- Date has been linked to Post permalink to support Posts without title.
Design Updates 1.2
- Editor Style has been integrated for better user experience.
- Over-sized images are better re-sized to fit within the post content area.
- Tag box algorithm has been updated to hide in case of empty tags.
- Galleries with more than three columns are supported.
- A better comments template has been included.
- Menu Overlapping has been controlled and fixed, when there are large number of menu items either in Primary or Secondary menu.
- An appropriate title has been integrated while browsing archives like tags, date, categories and search.
Miscellaneous Update 1.2
- Backup directory has been removed.
- jQuery script has been removed in favor of WordPress built-in jQuery support.
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