Saving files, data, photos and documents on a computer is a basic component of any computer, as it stores a lot of information that we may need in the future. Taking care of it and keeping it in good condition not only ensures the security of all our stored data, but also ensures a pleasant user experience.
With this guide we want to share with you a series of basic tips so that we are aware of how important and necessary it is to take care of a hard drive properly, and so that we know where to start and what to do.
Obviously like all technological components, hard drives have a certain useful life, which usually reaches an average of six years, so that sooner or later they will break down and need to be changed, but if we do all these steps we can extend their duration and prevent them from breaking down prematurely. If you can not solve the problem yourself, contact your on site recovery service provider.
1. Be careful not to damage
We intend to avoid physical damage by determining that a hard drive has very fragile moving parts, which can be irreversibly damaged if they suffer from any type of damage.
This can occur in many different ways, not only through direct blows, but even sudden movement while reading or writing actions can have fatal consequences.
what should I do? To ensure that your hard drives do not suffer any physical damage, avoid moving the equipment as much as possible while it is running.
If you need to move it even if it is disconnected, be very careful and avoid any kind of beatings. In the case of laptops, everything we said is valid, since although they can be moved even though they work, it is not the most recommended.
2. Avoid excessive heat
Like all computer components, heat is their natural enemy, but they produce it in their action and can be affected by it releasing others if we do not have a good cooling system, then we must be very careful.
If the heat is high but it is not excessive, we may experience poor overall performance of the equipment, but if we do not solve the problem, it may eventually cause damage that ends in a general failure of the hard disk.
what should I do? Ideally, keep the hard drive as far away from the other components as possible so that it does not “catch” the heat generated from them.
If in addition, we also maintain good airflow inside the equipment and clean it from time to time, we will never have such problems and we can be calm at all times.
3. Shut down and refuel too often
While this may not seem like it, the most complex and demanding process for a hard disk is the boot and shutdown operations of the system, i.e. turning the disk on and off.
Acceleration during deceleration and deceleration during deceleration both affect disc life, as both can lead to incurable erosion.
How can I continue? The equipment should not always be on, but it is best to turn it on and off as little as possible. In general, we recommend that you do not turn off the equipment until the day after it is turned on, that is, do not use it until the next day.
If you turn it on in the morning and you are about to spend several hours without using it, you can go into sleep mode, as you will reduce consumption to a minimum without having to turn it off.
4. Voltage increases
This is another one of the biggest dangers for electronic components. A power surge can erase an entire computer, I know this firsthand, hard drives are one of the most vulnerable components.
A “fried” hard drive is deadly and can lead to unexpected data loss that is very harmful to us, so it is highly recommended to protect it.
What can I do? The equipment can be protected with straps that can stop surges, although their effectiveness depends on their quality and therefore on their price.
On a personal level, I recommend buying a UPS, since even though it is an investment, it protects not only the hard drive but all our equipment from surges as well as falls. Avoid disappointments and pay for yourself.
5. Fusion
Splitting the hard drives remains one of the most common and also one of the most annoying problems. When we say that a hard drive is split, we mean that the parts that make up the files are scattered on the turntables, that is, in remote sections instead of being recorded in sequence.
This means that to read files on the hard disk work harder and look for the same pieces of file in sections in different areas, which implies lower performance, slows down the computer and also increases the wear and tear of the drive.
what should I do? The answer is very simple, merge the computer, and do not need any specific tool, since the one that brings Windows fulfills its duty more than enough. Overall, there is no need to perform continuous fusion, except when the split begins to be felt.
As someone experienced in utilizing these practices, Hamid Imtiaz, the CTO at Remo software, would recommend the following concise hard drive tips:
- Handle with Care: Avoid moving laptops during operation to prevent head assembly damage.
- Maintain Ventilation: Ensure airflow and control temperature to prevent wear.
- Power Down Correctly: Shut down computers properly to protect the hard drive.
- Use Original Adapters: Use genuine power adapters to avoid device damage.
- Update Drivers and Firmware: Keep software up to date for better performance and reliability.