Building a blog is exciting for all new bloggers. From choosing a domain name for it to having it hosted by a great hosting platform and selecting themes and color pallets, checking out your blog online for the first time is exhilarating. However, when you upload your first blog post, the only people who are probably going to see it will be your family. So how do you get your story out to the world?

Here are a few tips to help you get more readers:

Write excellent content

The first step to garner more readers and to impress your family so that they promote your blog is to write great content. Most people search the internet for comprehensive answers to the questions on their mind, and the content on your blog should be able to address that need. If you are a creative writer, do not hold back your imagination. Write captivating stories that will leave your readers longing for your next blog post.

Make your blog SEO-friendly

SEO is a rather complex field, and white label SEO services can easily give you a notable position on the SERPs.

Write newsworthy posts with subheadings and short sentences, which will make them easy to read. Also, do some research to find keywords that are often typed in search bars and incorporate them neatly in your posts. Place your keywords at the beginning of your posts. Another great idea is to use the right title format: lists, ‘How to…’, ‘Step by step guides’ and questions are the best types of headlines for blog posts.

Social media!

Social media is the answer to everything nowadays; especially if you are a creative writer, you need to engage with your followers. Encourage your visitors to share your posts on their timelines on major social networking sites. There are also plugins that you can use to upload links to your new posts on social media sites. Consider using sponsored posts and tweets to reach out to more users.


Choose a minimalistic yet elegant and sophisticated theme to impress your readers. Show off your stories and give your visitors an incredible UX. There are plenty of themes built exclusively for writers, which are mobile-responsive, intuitive, and load fast, that you can try.

Optimize your site speed

The best-performing sites load within three seconds; any slower will make your visitors bored, and they will move on to the next site. Having a high bounce rate is not suitable for SEO either, so consider using plug-ins like W3 Cache to speed up your website.

Build your mailing list

This is one of the best ways to turn the people who visit your blog often into habitual, return visitors. Most site builders have tools you can use to build a mailing list by default, but consider using dedicated tools like ScrollBox and List Builder. According to research, the most optimal time to send out your emails is at around 10 am on weekdays.


It can take up to two years for your blog to reach a prestigious place in the blogosphere. These tips, in addition to posting often and consistently will expose your blog to the thousands of readers waiting to read your story.