WordPress provides a custom registration form that can be used to setup a new user, or to add a new user when adding them to an existing WordPress installation. A lot of WordPress users would prefer custom login and registration forms because the defaults are very basic, don’t match the website design and the registration form lacks an extra profile field.

So, here in our today’s post we have compiled a list of the amazing custom registration form free plugins for WordPress that are useful for your WordPress blogs. If you are interested in speed then you will also love these equally great articles: Free Newspaper Themes for WordPress, Masonry Layout WordPress Themes, Free Floating Buttons WordPress Widgets and Free Responsive Slider Plugins for WordPress.

Custom Login Page Styler

Create your own custom login page or Admin login with custom login page styler ,Easy to use no coding skills required for customization. Create beautiful custom login page style and make your login page unique. Customize your login page matching your theme,Your registration, login,admin login, and password recovery pages will all match the rest of your website.

Custom Login Page Styler

ProfilePress – Custom Login

Ever wanted to create a custom Login, Registration, Password Reset forms and Front-end User Profile that will conform to a WordPress (theme) design? With knowledge of just HTML & CSS, code the form component in combination with our expressive shortcodes, make it pretty with CSS and ProfilePress will handle the rest. Simply code the forms in HTML with the help of the plugin form builder and ProfilePress will turn them into functional custom login, registration and password reset forms.

ProfilePress - Custom Login

Profile Builder – Front End User Registration

It lets you customize your website by adding a front-end menu for all your users, giving them a more flexible way to modify their user profile or register users (front-end user registration). Users with administrator rights can customize basic user fields or add custom user fields to the front-end forms.

Profile Builder - Front End User Registration

Front-End Only Users

This plugin allows visitors to sign up as users on the front-end on any page of your website. It is completely customization using CSS and is easily personalized with the use of shortcodes. These shortcodes can be used to insert registration, login, or profile editing forms on any page of your website and to restrict content. Users are created in separate tables so that they have no access to the back-end of your site.

Front-End Only Users

WP User Manager

Managing your members, creating front-end profiles and custom login and registration pages should be easy. With this plugin, it finally is. WP User Manager lets you create highly customizable user profiles. You easily add custom user registration, login and password recovery forms to your WordPress website. WP User Manager is the best solution to manage your users.

WP User Manager

WPVKP Custom Login Page

This easy to use plugin gives you the power to convert the boring wordpress login page with much more attractive and personalized login page. This plugin helps to improve your brand authority and also helps to improve user experience. Now can customize the logo, the background, the login button and various different css aspects of every element on the login page through easy to use control panel.

WPVKP Custom Login Page

Ultimate Profile Builder By CMSHelpLive

Ultimate Profile Builder by CMSHelpLive lets you create and manage profiles on your WordPress site! You can define custom user roles like Authors, Actors, Tennis Players or anything you want. It will also allow visitors to register on the site, fill out custom fields specific to user roles and upload profile images. Their profiles can be edited by the users anytime by logging into the profile area of the site. You can display member profiles as list or box view. The profile view will show image thumbnail, profile snippets and user posts contribution.

Ultimate Profile Builder By CMSHelpLive