WordPress 3.2 Beta 1, has been released and available for download. According to WordPress news posted on May 12, 2011 by Jane Wells,
We’ve spent that time putting together a new release focused on performance improvements, and are ready for our first beta testers!
As this is Beta release and still in development, so it is not recommended to run it on production site, but you can enjoy its exciting features on developmental server.
TutorialChip is providing free WordPress themes to her users so it is very essential to be updated about the latest releases of WordPress ahead of time. We are committed to provide best and flawless WordPress products with an excellent support to our family.
WordPress 3.2 is expected to be available for production sites by the end of June. Let’s have a look on the new exciting features of WordPress 3.2 which will be the ultimate part of our free WordPress themes – Chip Life, Chip Zero and Chip Photo.
You can click on the screenshot to view in bigger size.
1. Distraction Free Writing
I love this feature. Visual Editor composing experience is much better than the earlier versions of WordPress. I am very comfortable now to write in an ample space. Thanks to WordPress.
The visual editor’s full-screen composing experience has gotten a major overhaul, and is now available from HTML mode, too. More than ever, WordPress allows you to focus on what matters most — your content.
Great – we can write better. It is really an exciting feature of upcoming WordPress 3.2.
2. Performance Improvements
Things are faster now. WordPress 3.2 is much improved in terms of speed and performance. This is an awesome feature which will help bloggers to be indexed better in Google and other major search engines.
3. Facelift of Admin UI
Beauty matters whether it is about front-end or a factor of back-end admin panel. There is an excellent and a beautiful Admin UI Refresh of WordPress 3.2
This isn’t a major redesign, just a little facelift to keep us feeling young.
4. New Default Theme – Twenty Eleven (2011)
Changes are always better, so there is a new, exciting, powerful and stunning new default theme of WordPress 3.2 named Twenty Eleven – 2011
Exciting features of this popular Duster theme are,
- Rotating Header Images
- Post Format Support
- Other Goodies
It is looking nice and refreshed.
5. WordPress 3.2 Browser Happy
I am very excited about this feature as it allows us to develop our themes by considering modern browsers and provide maximum power to the WordPress bloggers.
WordPress is made to work with modern browsers. If you visit your Dashboard using an outdated web browser, WordPress 3.2 will let you know there’s a newer version available.
6. More Useful Admin Bar
WordPress 3.2 have added more links to the admin bar to make it even more useful.
Be Aware – Better to Know
It is better to know and be aware about the following updates of WordPress 3.2
- WordPress has new minimum system requirements: PHP 5.2.4 and MySQL 5.0.
- Internet Explorer 6 will no longer be supported.
- The favorites menu has been removed. If you’ve written any plugins that use this menu, it’s time to switch over to an admin bar placement.
It’s recommended to wait for a stable release, which should be available by June. In the meantime, beta testers can report bugs to help prep for the official stable release.
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