WordPress is one of the easiest and most flexible publishing environments that bloggers use for content sharing. WordPress is today used in serious projects and on large commercial websites besides the millions of hard-working bloggers sharing their valuable knowledge. As some of you might know, BuddyPress is an extension of WordPress that will let you create your own social network.
In the past we’ve talked about some top free WordPress Plugins for Buddypress. To augment these, here are more plugin recommendations for additional functionality in a number of WordPress usage areas. These are all free and open-source plugins and you can find them in the WordPress plugin repository.
You may be interested in the following modern trends related articles as well: Newsletter Plugins, eCommerce Plugins, Color Pickers JS Plugins and Magento Extensions Plugins.
1. BuddyPress Profile Progression
Simple plugin that adds a progress bar on members pages, which displays the percentage of profile completed by a user.

2. Live Chat – Casengo
Add live chat to your blog or website quick and easy with Casengo, so you can handle enquiries via email and live chat directly from your website.

3. WP2Cloud
WordPress-To-Cloud solution makes it possible for WordPress blogs to store all their data like pages, images, files in Amazon S3 or Google Cloud Storage.

4. BuddyPress Custom Profile Menu
Finally a plugin to fully customize the BuddyPress profile menu. This plugin enables you to append regular WordPress custom menus to BuddyPress.

5. BuddyStream
BuddyStream is a BuddyPress plugin that will synchronize all of your favorite Social Networks to the BuddyPress activity stream.

6. BuddyPress Media
BuddyPress Media adds Photos, Music, Videos & Albums to your BuddyPress powered social network. Supports mobile devices (Android/iPhone/iPad, etc) and automatic audio/video conversion.

7. Events Manager
Events Manager is a full-featured event registration plugin for WordPress based on the principles of flexibility, reliability and powerful features!

8. User Switching
This plugin allows you to quickly swap between user accounts in WordPress at the click of a button. You’ll be instantly logged out and logged in as your desired user.

9. Real Estate Website Builder
Create your fully functional real estate website with a single plugin.

10. MapPress Easy Google Maps
MapPress adds an interactive map to the wordpress editing screens. When editing a post or page just enter any addresses you’d like to map.

11. Commons In A Box
Commons In A Box dramatically lowers the barrier to building community sites on WordPress.

12. Event Espresso Lite
Manage your events from your WordPress dashboard. Reduce your admin, reduce your costs, make your life easier!

13. BuddyPress Links
If you’re running a BuddyPress community, and would like to give your members the ability to easily share content from across the web, this is your solution!

14. Useful Banner Manager
There are many WordPress blogs which have or need to have banners on them. So a banner manager plugin is very useful for those blogs.

15. BuddyPress Real Names
BuddyPress Real Names allows you to change the regular nickname displayed for a user to anything you want.

16. BP Group Hierarchy
This plugin allows group creators to place a new group under an existing group. There is currently no limit to the depth of the group hierarchy.

17. Codestyling Localization
You can manage and edit all gettext translation files (.po/.mo) directly out of your WordPress Admin Center without any need of an external editor.

18. BuddyPress
BuddyPress lets users sign-up and start creating profiles, posting messages, making connections, creating and interacting in groups, and much more.