All kinds of technical degrees, from those based in mathematics to the sciences and of course computers, can benefit from further specialization. Not every degree will do, however, which is why it is essential that you follow this guide so that you can not only make the right choice but make the necessary lifestyle changes you will need to successfully manage a full day’s workload on top of a higher education’s course load.
Career Paths That Most Benefit From Further Specialization
Not every career path needs an MA. The arts, humanities, and politics careers can be advanced without a Masters. They help, of course, but talent can win out in these situations, and in many cases, it is the deciding factor. They can also be learned on your own, either through practice or by investing in a few journals or workshops.
That doesn’t make them easy, of course. The careers that benefit most from formal specialization are the STEM careers. There are two reasons for this. One, because many STEM careers require these formal qualifications. In some cases, this is even by law. It wouldn’t matter if you had all the know-how and expertise if you don’t have the degree the company would be liable if they hired you.
How to Work and Learn Simultaneously
Earning an MA later in life can be difficult. You don’t want to take time off work because you have responsibilities and need an income. Thankfully there are online degrees that give you the specifications and the formal qualifications. You can access this online anywhere, so you can choose a great degree from Michigan Tech if you wanted an wanted an Online Masters in Applied Statistics.
Find a Great Online Degree
When searching for online degrees narrow your choice by institutions that are created for the workforce, rather than those that emphasize theory over practice. This will help keep your degree relevant for your career. The only time a theory-based degree is valuable is if you are looking to work within the education sectors.
Create a Healthy, Supportive Routine
To manage both workloads, you will need a routine that promotes your health and natural energy levels.
Find Somewhere Productive to Work After Work
You don’t want to bring any kind of work home. Your home needs to be your sanctuary where you can relax and only relax. Taking on two workloads can be very tiring and stressful, but if you have a place, you can calm down and do nothing, it will help immensely. Instead, find a café or co-working space near your work for your studying, then go home at the same time every day. This will make studying part of your routine and will help you get used to it.
How to Make the Most of Your Online Degree
You can get a lot out of your online degree, but only if you go the extra mile.
1. Read Up on All the Recommended Reading
Chances are there will be reading lists for your degree. Though you will want a practical-based degree, theory will always be a component. To make the most out of your degree, read more than just the mandatory texts. Read the supplementary texts or articles provided to you by your institution. It also couldn’t hurt to use your institution’s access to read up and study on your own. This will help get you in the habit of learning every day on your own time.
2. Invest in At Least Two Quality Journals or Magazine Subscriptions
Magazine subscriptions to a quality journal in your industry are well worth the investment. You can subscribe online and then read up on the commute to work so that you have up-to-date information at all times. It’s also a great habit to get into that will help you improve your career substantially in the long run. At work, you will gain a reputation for always knowing the latest news and studies in your field.
3. Go to Local Events and Workshops in the Field
A huge part of any career path is networking. That’s why a great way to further both your career and your education is to go to local events, conferences, or even workshops in your field. What is available will depend on your specialty, of course, but attending and getting to know the people who go can give you invaluable contacts to draw from for a variety of reasons, including getting a new job.
4. Apply What You Learn into Your Current Job
Practical application is essential when it comes to learning, and when it comes to your career it can actually help you further your progress in more ways than one. Implementing applied statistics to improve the company can set you up for a promotion or at the very least give you experience in a consulting position that you can take with you when you job hunt. Either way, it’s great practice and great for your resume if you need to change employers.
How to Use Your New Degree to Further Your Career
The reason why it is essential that you start to apply what you learn into your current position is that it will show your managers and even employers exactly what the benefit of your new degree is. You will offer invaluable skills that your employer will want to keep.
Once you have acquired your new degree you have leverage. You will want to discuss the potential of a new position including a new pay at your job. Make it apparent that you want to stay, but if you are not going to be paid what you deserve or given the job role that suits your talents best you will be looking elsewhere.
If your employer has found value in your work, then they will absolutely be on board with trying to keep you. If not, you have a great degree and demonstrated work experience to take with you on your next job hunt.