Character design refers to the appearance, abilities and personality of your virtual presence in any digital presentation. Design of character has been a major component of fiction and historical works predating even the Greek tragedies or “Beowulf”.
In this Presentation below, you’ll find 45+ outstanding collection of character designs for your design inspiration which might help you learn a thing or two.
Other Inspirational Resources:
- 20 Clean Under Construction / Coming Soon Templates
- 30 Hand Picked Business Cards Design
- 35 Creative Poster Designs for Inspiration
- 30 Exceptional CSS Based Layouts
- 30 Entertaining 404 Pages: Creative Error Manipulation
1. Imam

2. Frankenstein

3. Nika by Raynkazuya

4. Iron Man

5. Female Character

6. Carrots Are Finished

7. Captain Jack Sparrow by JPRart

8. SGT Rock V1

9. Sniper

10. Art Ventura

11. Elegant Dancing

12. Gangsta Game Character

13. Guard

14. Character Design by Rogner5th

15. The Incredible Hulk

16. Fighter

17. Character by LUN2004

18. Gerard Butler

19. Alien Vs Predator

20. Mini Tomb Raider

21. Open Green by Cryinghorn

22. Angelina Jolie

23. Maeup

24. John Locke

25. Spiderman 3 by JPRart

26. Kangaroo

27. Charging Kudu

28. Don’t Feed the Plant

29. Amazone Girl

30. Mr Smith

31. Tom Cruise by BikerScout

32. Conall

33. Transformers – Devastator

34. Cartoon Style

35. Pink Assassin

36. Some Like it Cold

37. Gollum

38. Howling

39. Wolverine

40. Cowboy

41. A Short Story

42. Halowars

43. Just What I Needed by Shikijiyu

44. Meet You

45. Pixologic Superhero

I hope you have enjoyed this outstanding character designs collection. Don’t Forget to Follow TutorialChip on Twitter or Subscribe to TutorialChip to Get the Latest Updates on Giveaways, Tutorials and More for Free.