If you think business cards are only a piece of paper then you are wrong. Business cards perform an important function in your business. Having your own unique designed and printed business cards is a great way for you get noticed. Edge painted business cards can catch the attention of your customers as they are generally printed on a thick paper. Edge painting, also referred to as edge coloring or color edging, is a great addition to really make your business card stand out.
Regardless of what sort of business you are in but if you possess a well designed and eye-catching business card. In this post I have collected excellent edge painted business cards for your inspiration. These kind of business cards are mostly thick. I hope that you will enjoy this amazing showcase. Don’t forget to share your comment in our comment section. You may be interested in the following posts: black business cards, folded business cards and photography business cards.
1. Letterpress Business Cards in Dense Black
2. Breanna Rose Edge-Painted Business Cards
3. Sapphire Ring Co
4. Burnthebook Letterpress Business Cards
5. Edge Painted Letterpress Business Card
6. Die Continentale
7. Letterpress Business Card for Photographer
8. The Comeback
9. Javier Garcia
10. Blue Edge Painted Business Cards
11. Experimental Business Card
12. At Media
13. We Events Business Card With Painted Edge
14. Teal Davison Identity
15. Steve Shine
16. WHP Business Cards
17. BrainUp Business Cards
18. Nicolas Duprat
19. Ami of Elizabeth Anne Designs
20. Firebelly Design Business Cards
21. Zach Fuhr
22. First 65 Letterpress Business Cards
23. Clint Shuttlesworth
24. Boylston Trading Co
25. Almond Tree Business Cards and Branding
26. No Pool Productions
27. Colin Tierney
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