Step 5
In this step I am going to create stuffed effect using some photoshop techniques, first of all create a new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N) name it layer New Texture, hold Ctrl key and click thumbnail of text layer to create a selection.

Now set foreground color #a77d31, and background #774c21.

Now select new texture layer and applying foreground color on it (Alt+Backspace) press (Ctrl+D) to deselect the selection.

After applying color go to Filter > Sketch > Reticulation set Density (21) Foreground Level (10) and Background Level (20).

After set filter reticulation we get this result.

Now go to Filter > Artistic > Watercolor set Brush Detail (7) Shadow Intensity (0) and Texture (1).

After filter watercolor setting result look like in preview.

Now finally go to Filter > Artist > Under-panting set Brush Size (0) Texture Coverage (40) Scaling (50%) and Relief (21).

After set filter under-panting you can see a new result on new texture layer.

Step 6
After set filter options now I am going to set Hue Saturation of this new texture layer.
Go to Image > Adjustment > Hue Saturation.

After set hue saturation get nice effect on new texture layer.

Now set the Blend Mode to (Soft Light) of this new texture layer.

Step 7
Here I am going to make one more new effect using photoshop brush techniques, select Brush Tool from tool panel open brush panel press (F5) and set these settings, Size (10px) Roundness (21%) Hardness (100%) Spacing (675%).

Now open the first option of brush panel Shape Dynamics and set Minimum Diameter (20%) Angle Jitter (Control in to Direction).

After set these settings close brush panel then right click on text layer and select (Create Work Path) option.

After select work path option you can see a path, created around the text layer.

Now select the Path Selection Tool from tool panel right click on screen and select (Stroke Path) option then a small window opened.

Now create new layer (Shift+Ctrl+N) name it layer Lines, if brush tool select in this small window then click OK otherwise select brush tool and press OK then you can see a new effect around the text layer.

Step 8
In this step I am going to applying some Blending Options on this Lines Layer.
Go to Layer > Layer Style and applying these Blending Options.
Drop Shadow

Bevel and Emboss

Color Overlay

After applying these layer styles we get beautiful effect on lines layer.

After all the struggle here we get our stuffed text effect in final preview.
Final Preview

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