Klix is very awesome and powerful WordPress portfolio theme. It has many useful features such as: WP 3.0 custom menu system with submenus, full size background videos, Widget ready footers and blog sidebar and facebook style auto-sizing textfields for contact forms and comments etc.

[wpmp download=”http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/klix-wordpress-theme/?r=lifeobject” demo=”http://www.mojo-themes.com/item/klix-wordpress-theme/demo/?r=lifeobject”]
- WP 3.0 custom menu system with submenus.
- Full size background videos.
- Background images or slideshows (with smart loading slideshow, starts after only 1 image is loaded and loads each slide 1 at a time while the previous slides are showing).
- Optional animated bokeh, floating particle, and starfield effects can be turned on/off on any background image or image slide.
- 120+ Shortcodes from backgrounds to columns to images and video to nivo sliders and much much more.
- …and much, much more!