When formulating your business marketing plan there are all kinds of factors to consider. Today’s marketing landscape is much different than even 10 years ago. It’s a given that any business needs an eye-catching website that invites potential customers to visit it on a regular basis, but what about the more traditional local marketing campaign? It’s important we don’t forget how vital of a role it plays.
What is a Local Marketing Campaign?
Show Case Creative is in the business of helping people with their marketing materials, and stresses the importance of these handouts and physical items. Sure the idea of handouts, flyers, and brochures may seem old-fashioned, but the fact of the matter is that they are effective when used properly.
To break it down, a local marketing campaign is one that focuses on potential clients/customers in your neighbourhood. It’s not a far reaching campaign, which isn’t always needed anyway. If you want to draw in people from surrounding neighbourhoods, a local marketing campaign is what you want to make use of. You want to draw in those locals not just once, but as repeat customers.
A local campaign has a message that is targeted to the locals. You aren’t trying to speak to the masses, rather just those in close proximity. This is something that should be clear when putting the campaign together.
This campaign can include attending local events to make your presence known, handing out brochures in neighbourhoods, ads on cars, an ad on the local radio station, and within the community paper. It could be that you just use one of these routes, or a combination.
How Does the Website Differ in Terms of Marketing?
Now here’s the thing, the importance of a website and local marketing campaign shouldn’t be confused as they aren’t interchangeable. The local campaign will reach some people, whereas the website will reach a different audience. As well, a website provides a whole other purpose outside of just marketing the business and getting the word out.
If we look at it strictly from a marketing standpoint, a website allows you to get the word out about current promotions quickly and for free. Maybe you want to advertise a particular sale, highlight a new brochure, new hours, new inventory – listing the details on your website is a great way to advertise the information. Your website can be updated as often as you like, allowing it to be fluid and flexible.
A website also helps to build brand awareness and consumer trust in your product/services. Providing visitors with a professional-looking website speaks highly of your business. It gives you a way to connect with your customers, it offers information 24/7 even if your store front or business is closed, and it helps you to reach people outside just your local community.
No Need to Choose
When it comes down to it, there is no need to make a choice between the two marketing approaches. In fact, it’s best to use both as it allows you to reach local and non-local customers.