A majority of all web hosts usually support WordPress, but not all of them are good choices. When thinking about picking the right WordPress hosting, there’re numerous factors that you should take into account.
To make your life easier, we’ve compiled a list of the top five tips that form the crucial part of the WordPress selection process.
Determine your Hosting Needs
First things first, you need to determine your hosting needs to figure out which hosting provider is best for you.
Will you be planning on hosting a video? Are your users capable of registering and uploading their content? Will you host high-quality multimedia such as images and infographics? What’s your estimated daily traffic?
Generally, you should your website is capable or rather its performance, and then compare that with that of the web hosting to see whether it’s able to align with your needs.
Take the Free Features and Extras into Consideration
To make their services more attractive to WordPress users, especially those on a limited budget, some of the good web hosting service providers such as Siteground, normally provide a ton of extra features in their web hosting packages.
For instance, some of these web hosting providers offer a free WordPress Installer, free ad credits, caches services, free backup solution, and even a free domain name.
Sure, some of these extras are not necessarily mandatory in the overall performance of your website, but they play a huge role in adding value to the hosting services.
Web Hosting Reputation
It’s always critical that you perform research on the market reputation of any web hosting provider because if you choose a web host that is not trust-worthy, your needs are likely not to get satisfied, regardless of what the company claims to offer.
In most cases, the web hosting services with a bad reputation are a scam out there to fleece web owners of their hard-earned cash.
Now, you might wonder, how do I check on the authenticity and reputation of a web hosting?
Well, there’re numerous ways to do that, but one of the effective methods is searching for their reviews and rating online. On Google, for instance, you’ll find numerous reviews posted by the previous customers and experts in the industry, and this should give you an idea of what the provider is all about and their service provision.
Your Budget
Cost is another essential component that you need to consider when choosing an appropriate web hosting company.
While cost alone shouldn’t be the deciding factor as jumping on the cheapest options isn’t always the best idea; you should never underestimate the price.
Now, remember that you always get what you pay for, and so, by getting a cheaply-priced hosting solution, you might cost yourself a fortune as you’re likely to get poor support service, security risk, and more.
Ideally, we recommend that you compare the pricing option with some of the essential web hosting parameters such as uptime, security, support, and more.
Your host’s infrastructure is incredibly crucial as it will determine the overall performance of your website.
Generally, several components define the overall infrastructure of a company, including the network topology, number of uplink carriers, number of peers, and how resilient their network is.
You should similarly look into the nitty-gritty of this infrastructure, including the uptime, or the effectiveness of your web server. Ideally, your web provider should have an established track record o high uptime.
While at it, you should similarly make a rundown of the necessities of the items and performance features you’re likely to need in the future also. Ensure that your choice of web host is capable of surpassing any current and future issues that may arise.
This list is by no means conclusive, but it will provide you with a rundown of some of the essential tips you need to consider when choosing your next web host provider.