Shopping carts are an integral part of the online shopping experience. To the end user, it seems like a simple step to purchasing, however there are many factors that go into having a nicely designed shopping cart. A well designed online shopping cart will certainly bring you more revenue. The shopping cart page shows customers specifically which items are in their carts and allows them to change quantities.

Here, in this post I will highlighted some of the creative online shops that have well-designed and appealing shopping cart pages. So if you’re planning to own one then you might just find this post to be very useful. The intention of this article is to share some simple and well design eCommerce websites with our readers.

You may be interested in the following posts:

1. Revolution


2. Chop Shop

Chop Shop

3. American Eagle

American Eagle

4. Oakley


5. Brand Neusense

Brand Neusense

6. Inkefx


7. Nine West

Nine West

8. Famous Footwear

Famous Footwear

9. Keedo Kids Clothing

Keedo Kids Clothing

10. Dripping In Fat

Dripping In Fat

11. Kate Spade

Kate Spade

12. Nike


13. Crutchfield


14. Candy Candy Jewellery

Candy Candy Jewellery

15. Scotch & Soda

Scotch & Soda

16. Red is White

Red is White

17. Zazzle


18. The Organic Supermarket

The Organic Supermarket

While compiling this list, it’s always a possibility that I missed some other great resources. Feel free to share it with us.

One thought

  1. I love your site when it produces such articles. Fills me with so much of inspiration. Thanks. Bookmarked.

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